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Marina interviewed in COSTUME Magazine

February 01 2017 – Marina Elisabeth Engervik

marina miracle intervju i costume

The Miracle oil

Marina Engervik worked as a saleswoman but has always dreamed of selling her own products. When her homemade oil turned out to be a big hit among friends and acquaintances, she quit her job and concentrated on making her own miracle product.

North-Norwegian girl Marina Engervik has always had a love for skincare, unfortunately she turned out to be allergic to the synthetic ingredients that are found in traditional skincare products. For many years she tried different products but nothing seemed to work. She decided to fix the problem herself by making her own home made non-toxic oil by only using natural ingredients. She experimented her way to an oil at home on the kitchen counter.

That is how Marina Miracle was born.

What is Marina Miracle?

- A skin care line that is organic and free of synthetic and animal chemicals. Everything is produced in Norway. I use herbs and oils that balances the skin and moisturizes.

How did you start out?

- I bought essential oils, herbal extracts and plant juices online and wrote down the different mixtures and how they worked together in a small diary. When I found a formula that worked very well, people around me noticed a big improvement in my skin. Everyone around me asked to try out my so called miracle oil. I still use the exact same recipe in Herbal Face Oil the only difference is that i only use organic certified ingredients now.

What research is behind your brand?

- I have made allergy tests on a test panel of people with different skin types, skin diseases and skin problems. The launching of the individual product doesn't occur unless everyone loves the product. That is how i get products that are safe and good for almost everyone. It is only those who are allergic to essential oils or other natural ingredients that doesn't tolerate some of the products, but it is extremely rare.

What has been the hardest for you as the founder of the company?

- That it's all up to me, if everything stands or falls. It's fun, but also very demanding.

Where would you like to be in five years?

- The vision is to be among the leading natural and organic skin care brands in Europe. I would like to have retailers in all major cities. I know that my products are unique. It's very exciting, and I look forward to everything that will happen in the future!

As a founder of a company, what is your best advice for those who wish to pursue such a dream?

- You can't do it alone. Don't take to long before include someone who can support you on the road and keep you focused. I have received a lot of support from my husband and my wonderful family. It's also important to be humble, even tho it is your business and your idea. You don't always know best, keep an open mind.


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